sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

The Great Wall of Vagina

Winner of the Erotic Signature international sculpture prize, master of the art of bondage casting and creator of his most recent masterpiece 'Great Wall of Vagina', Jamie McCartney has caught the attention of art enthusiasts, sex enthusiasts and basically everyone enthusiastic about this extremely erotic, socially conscious installation that has been 5 years in the making.

The age range of the women is from 18 to 76. Included are mothers and daughters, identical twins, transgendered men and women as well as a woman pre and post natal and another one pre and post labiaplasty.

More info click here

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

Yo me uno a esta noble causa

Global Orgasm

December 21st is the day!
Let's see how many people we can get to join our cause and make the biggest difference on the planet!


Practice as often as you would like! Especially on full moons, new moons, solstices and equinoxes, or when you remember!

Dedicate an orgasm to Peace.


All men and women - you and everyone you know. You may practice alone or with a partner.

Everywhere in the world, but especially in those countries affected by war or violence - those most in need of peace.

To effect positive change in the energy field of the earth through conscious dedication of orgasmic energy to the vibration of Peace. Our minds and our biology influence Matter and Quantum Energy fields, so by concentrating our thoughts before, during, and after orgasm on peace and loving-kindness, the synergy of high orgasmic physical energy combined with the power of positive visualization could help reduce global levels of violence, hatred and fear. Orgasm is the largest possible instantaneous surge of human biological and spiritual energies. It is a biological gift! What better way to achieve your resolution for Peace?

Practice, practice, practice (safely)! Tell all your friends about this website and encourage them to participate! Help this year be the biggest Global-Oh since we began tracking it.

Más información Click aquí!

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

¿Porno para mujeres?

Escrita por una de las directoras de cine adulto para mujeres más aclamadas, esta guía del cine X va dirigida a todas aquellas mujeres a las que les gusta el porno pero aún no lo saben. La industria del porno tradicional ha cosificado a la mujer en sus producciones, por lo que, inevitablemente, se las ha obviado como público. Sin embargo, una nueva horda de creadores está emergiendo para cambiar esta situación.

Erika Lust nos ofrece en estas páginas una visión clara y divertida de la factoría pornográfica actual que no dejará indiferente a nadie, ya sea hombre o mujer

01. Chequense el video de la entrevista en Días de cine: Click!

02. O vean el trailer de life,lust, love... 5 Hot Stories For Her

LIFE LOVE LUST preview por lustfilms